It is true that we all need to be heard and want to be understood. Sometimes it is possible to have kindred spirit connections, and sometimes those moments are not long enough even when we do get to experience them with friends or family.
I think that is why so many people in every generation have G-d in their to life to turn to, in time of isolation or need. For they believe G-d will hear and listen to them, and even have something to teach them.
I think as much as we are able to keep an open mind and heart to G-d when we are feeling up or when feeling down, we’ll better succeed at being heard and understood by others. Even then we won’t be perfect, and we all will make mistakes. But those mistakes we do make then will be out of ignorance, and not mean spiritedness, because G-d would be in our spirit and others would see that.
I hope we all can practice being better listeners for others who are in need of being heard and understood, even during the times it is we who seem to be in most need of being heard and understood by others.
I hope during your up or down moments you can hear what can comfort you even if you are alone, so peace will prevail in you.
— Giselle M. Massi © May 2006