Giselle M. Massi - Author

Author Giselle M. Massi, with Tanka

Giselle M. Massi is the author of “We are Here for a Purpose: HOW TO FIND YOURS” and the novel “Just Dance the Steps.” Giselle was a journalist with The Denver Post for 16 years and now writes a newspaper advice column called “TELL GISELLE”. As a young adult she recognized her gift of clairvoyance. She has been studying traditional religious, spiritual and mystical practice for decades.

Giselle chose to end a long career as a journalist to write her first book, a memoir about her father Joseph. She published We are Here for a Purpose: How to Find Yours in 2001. In 2007 Giselle produced “Here and Hereafter: Consciousness and the Journey of My Soul” that aired on public television in Colorado. Her essays and poetry are widely read.

In Aug. 2003, Giselle helped launch the Spiritual Arts Series at The Dairy Center for the Arts in Boulder, Colo.

In 2007 Giselle launched SALON ONE: exceptional conversation. Giselle shared her unique perspectives and featured special guests, including writer John Meredith and singer/songwriter Stephen Allen Davis.

View here to read a newspaper article from “The Mountain-Ear,” which discusses some of Giselle’s work with renowned musician Stephen Allen Davis.

Giselle is available by phone or in person for private Spiritual Life Support™ sessions she offers for free on a limited basis.

She can be reached at [email protected] or CrowHawk, P.O. Box 991, Evergreen, Colorado 80437-0991.

I met Giselle Massi over ten years ago when I heard her speak about her spiritual experience at a talk in Boulder, CO at The Dairy Center. I subsequently met with her for a “spiritual session” and the insight and clarity she conveyed was profound.

It was not, however, until I “unearthed” the notebook in which I had taken notes at this session, (some 11 years later) that I realized just how profound, and how startingly accurate, her guidance had been! This realization has compelled me to pay closer attention to my own heart and to my relationships with others, and how I can provide a positive impact.

Clearly, Giselle’s spiritual work manifests from a higher source, one which is here to help provide clarity for those of us who struggle to make sense of this world and our role herein.

Ellie D., Boulder CO