Meant To Be

(I began writing this piece in 2001, but only recently came across it in my files. This true story fills in essential details of my spiritual history and journey with my Dad and ex-husband.) It was a day like none before or since. Larry had a borrowed kepah on his…

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Greener Pasture Protein Shake

Greener Pasture Protein Shake

Here is my newest, tasty meal replacement creation that is high protein, with a healthy dose of the minerals potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium — and it supports good digestive bacteria with fiber and probiotics. Greener Pasture Protein Shake 4 organic prunes (use Paul Newman’s brand, as they are super…

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Medical Food

(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life. This column was published Nov. 1, 2015 in Edge Magazine Like many who eat to live rather than live to eat, I am joyful about toxic-free, rich-in-calcium-and-omega-3-fatty-acid marvels — and yes, lacinato kale…

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Prioritizing Happy

When I was around 20 I consciously — by that I mean with intention — began my quest for personal transcendence (aka enlightenment) by learning about people who displayed remarkable abilities. I soon discovered a few commonalities among these individuals, even though there were profound differences in cultural and religious…

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Greener Grass

I walk the trail with you Some days our walk is brutally hard We cry Some days our walk is exquisitely ecstatic We laugh, dance, sing I walk the trail with you The trail forks We choose which way is best not by what brings the least pain but what…

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The only way to stop an addiction is to stop; the only way to be free of an addiction is to let it go. Read that again…to be free of an addiction, let it go. This is not a difficult thing to do, this letting go, once you see and…

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Daring Kindness

Dare I suggest this creative/tweak/revision/editing of Dr. Kent M. Keith’s ‘The Paradoxical Commandments’ often attributed incorrectly to Mother Teresa? I was never fond of the repetitive ‘anyway’ so I mercifully zapped it for good. May my lines inspire you to post your own version: If you are helpful, some may…

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Closure Schmosure

I saw an interview with Kenny Specht of the NYC Firefighter Brotherhood Foundation discussing the word closure with Anderson Cooper of CNN who had indicated dislike of the use of that word. I too struggled and winced at the use of the word closure until I had an epiphany while…

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Mining for Gold

I want you to imagine 33 women trapped 2500 feet underground instead of 33 men who are now in that bizarre predicament in Chile. I don’t think 33 women would be taking videos of themselves half nekkked, showing us their table games, singing a national anthem. After nearly 3 weeks…

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There was a time, when my computer finished booting up and I logged into my email account, when I eagerly anticipated the happy voice telling me “You’ve got mail.” That was the same great feeling I got years ago whenever I walked down my dirt driveway in Colorado. Back then…

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Radical Dishonesty

I received a correspondence from someone I have known for many years, a person who is part of my heart. Injected between the brief news of this and that were distortions of reality. Cloaked as sarcasm were misperceptions of a situation and the involvement of some people I also know.…

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Trial of Honor

Everything you have brought in to your life has been brought there by fear, if it hasn’t been brought there by love. That is the essence of what I heard a yoga teacher (the exact person I cannot recall) say some months ago, and it rang true. Just as a…

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Unholy Cruise

“It is the curse of humanity that it learns to tolerate even the most horrible situations by habituation.” — Rudolf Virchow, physician Recently I took my daughter on a 7-night cruise to the Caribbean. We were celebrating her graduation from college and acceptance into a wonderful graduate program in public…

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What is Kabala?

People hear or read that I identify myself as a kabbalist, a student of the Kabala, and frequently I am asked what that means. I do my best to explain why my life experiences resonate with the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabala. I also explain that what I study…

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It’s Always Something

(When my review of Gilda Radner’s autobiography was first published in the Denver Post in 1989, my father was particularly moved, as he was in the process of undergoing cancer treatments. He knew from this writing I had reached a heightened level of understanding and compassion for not only himself,…

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Love’s Fruit

A child is like a ripening delicious apple to be polished with loving strokes, not struck with blows of anger and bruised to be savored to experience the sweetness contained within and to discover the seeds of love stored at the core of the heart which is food for our…

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